Air Transportation Multiplex
Welcome to the Air Transportation Multiplex Dataset page. Here, you can find the dataset of a multiplex network composed of the airlines operating in Europe. You are free to use the dataset. We kindly ask you to cite the following paper as the source of the data:
of Network Features from Multiplexity A.
Cardillo, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, M. Zanin, M. Romance, D.
Papo, F. del Pozo, S. Boccaletti,
Scientific Reports 3, 1344 (2013).
The data contains up to thirty-seven different layers each one corresponding to a different airline. We have also prepared two subsets: one containing only the three biggest mayor airlines and another one similar but containing only low-fare (low-cost) airlines.
For any issues concerning the dataset, please contact:
Alessio Cardillo
Email: alessio.cardillo